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1982 – Latecomer – A Gay Play

In October 1982 the Potteries Gay Community Association applied to stage a gay themed play, “Latecomer” by Eric Presland. After a private council debate two thirds of the committee agreed to the play being presented and it was subsequently staged at the Newcastle Guildhall on Nov 9th. The play was to be staged by a small touring theatre company called “Consenting Adults in Public”. The night did not go quite as planned as you can see in the Sentinel article below. 

You can find out more about the play on, where you can also read the script  All material is copyright of Peter Scott-Presland (formerly Eric Presland)

The Evening Sentinel – Nov 10th 1982

The play had previously been staged in Walsall and Wolverhampton. 

The Birmingham Post – 26th Apr 1977

Wolverhampton Express and Star – 17th Mar 1979

Copyright Notice

The newspaper cuttings featured here have been compiled by the posts author, Andrew Colclough, from online archives as part of his personal research into local LGBT+ history. Copyright belongs to the newspapers that published the articles. The news cuttings have been shared here by this post’s author, Andrew Colclough, on the basis of fair personal/non commercial use.

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