Covid 19
The lockdowns have gone but Covid is still around.

NHS Website
Most people recover from COVID 19 quite quickly, but some people may experience symptoms that last for weeks or months after the infection has gone away. If you are recovering from COVID-19 you may need to manage the effects that the virus has had on your body and your mind. This NHS website has tips and advice on recovering from COVID-19 that may help.
Covid Support Community
This online community has been of help to some of our members:
COVID Safety at OLGBT In Person Meetings
Reviewed November 2023
Some OLGBT members attending our meetings are particularly vulnerable to COVID. Although they can take precautions to protect themselves, they also need others around them to take precautions to help reduce their risks.
A local public health expert recently suggested these three Cs of COVID safety:
- Be CAUTIOUS about mixing with others, especially in small spaces, crowded environments and large groups.
- Be CONSIDERATE of others who may be particularly vulnerable to COVID. Your choices have consequences for those around you as well as for yourself.
- Take CARE of yourself and of others. Look after your health and wellbeing, encourage others to do the same.
One of the best ways to protect yourself and those around you is to be fully vaccinated including having your booster jabs.
To protect other people, please do not attend an OLGBT meeting when you have any symptoms that might indicate COVID infection. The list of possible symptoms is now very broad; the updated government guidance is available here https://www.gov.uk/guidance/people-with-symptoms-of-a-respiratory-infection-including-covid-19
As free home testing has now ended you may be unable to determine if you have COVID or another illness. If in doubt please avoid unnecessary social contact with others in line with Government Guidance.
Here are some other things that will help keep everyone safe:
- Sanitise your hands when entering and leaving the premises. Sanitiser is not as good as hand washing – we recommend that you wash your hands before eating and as soon as you can after leaving the meeting.
- Please respect everyone’s space and observe social distancing.
- Avoid physical contact such as hugs and handshakes.
- We may have some windows open in the meeting room so in cold weather please wear something warm!
While we will endeavour to keep everyone as safe as possible, we cannot completely eliminate the risk of COVID transmission that we all share in any situation where there is social contact with others. When attending an OLGBT in person meeting, you are choosing to personally accept this risk.
Our guidance is based on the information we obtain from reputable sources within the UK including Stoke-on-Trent City Council, Voluntary Action Stoke-on-Trent (VAST), the UK Health Security Agency, the NHS, the Zoe National COVID Study and the British Medical Association (BMA).
If you have any questions or concerns about COVID safety, please do get in touch.
Andrew Colclough
(Vice Chair)
Contact: [email protected]