LGBT+ History Links
We’ve created this list of links about LGBT+ history for you to explore.
LGBT Midlands is a fabulous blog featuring stories of local LGBT+ people discovered in old records lgbtstaffs.wordpress.com
A response to B arts’ Blank Space Mini-Residency call out, Queer-as-Stoke began as an idea for a map of Stoke-on-Trent and the surrounding area, locating places and stories of LGBTQIA+ significance. As the project evolved it became clear that not all stories could be pinpointed on a map. b-arts.org.uk/queerasstoke
The UK LGBT Archive records the the history and memories of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people living in the UK.
Home page: lgbthistoryuk.org/wiki/Main_Page
Timeline: lgbthistoryuk.org/wiki/Timeline_of_UK_LGBT_History
Gay News launched in May 1972. This archive of early editions is a rich source of material about the history of LGBT+ rights in the United Kingdom in the early 1970s – gaynewsarchive.co.uk
Terry Sanderson’s Mediawatch column ran in Gay Times for almost 25 years starting in 1983. This website archive sets out Terry’s articles, year by year, reporting the way LGBT issues were covered by the mainstream media during a period when we fought key battles in the struggle for equal rights – gtmediawatch.org
The UK’s first and only LGBTQ+ museum – queerbritain.org.uk
Pride of Place uncovers and celebrates places of LGBTQ heritage across England, ranging from the frontiers of Roman Britain to the gay pubs and clubs that remain important in our lives today. historicengland.org.uk/research/inclusive-heritage/lgbtq-heritage-project
The British Museum Desire, Love, Identity trail highlights 15 objects that have a connection with LGBTQ history. You can follow the trail online www.britishmuseum.org/visit/object-trails/desire-love-identity-lgbtq-histories
Find out more about the lives of England’s LGBTQ+ people and their important place in the stories of English Heritage sites. www.english-heritage.org.uk/learn/histories/lgbtq-history/
LGBTQ+ Rights in Britain (Classroom Resource) www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/education/resources/the-history-of-lgbtq-rights-in-britain/
How to look for records of sexuality and gender identity history www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/help-with-your-research/research-guides/gay-lesbian-history/
Gateway to the Past is an online catalogue of the local archives held in the Staffordshire Record Office, Stoke on Trent City Archives, William Salt Library and the Staffordshire County Museum. These are general records that can be used for research, the catalogues do not currently have an index for LGBT+ material www.archives.staffordshire.gov.uk/
Work is underway to compile a catalogue of LGBT+ material in the local Stoke and Staffordshire archives.
More LGBT+ History Pages