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Rainbow Threads – Guide to Making Pennants

Community Fund

This simple guide has been created as a handy quick reference. To access the templates, you will also need our full “Guide to Making Pennants” which you can download below.

If you are new to crafts and sewing, come along to our workshops where we will guide you step by step. You can also ask Jane for help when you are making a pennant at home. Contact us to join our WhatsApp group where you can share with others and ask questions.

A Quick Guide to Making a Pennant

You will need a piece of fabric about A4 size. That’s 12” x 8” (30cm x20cm). If your fabric is not already the colour or pattern you want, you can “dye” it by painting in any colour you like using thinly diluted acrylic paint.

If you come to one of our workshops there will be plenty of fabric available that is already painted and ready to use.

Download our guide to making pennants. Choose a template for your design, print it and cut it out.

Place the template on your fabric and draw around it. 

Fold back the parts marked in purple and blue and draw around the grey area only, this is the part of the fabric that will contain your design.

To bring your design to life you can paint, print, embroider, use applique or any combination of these.

Avoid placing important parts of your design close to the edges as you will need to stitch these when you create hems.

The parts of the fabric shaded purple on the template are folded to the back and stitched to finish the edges with a hem. You may find it helpful to iron the creases before you sew the hems.

If you are not confident to sew the edges Jane can do the finishing for you.

The part of the fabric shaded blue on the template is then folded back and stitched along the bottom edge only so that you have a sleeve that is open at both ends for a cord to pass through.

Well done, you’ve finished! If you would like to add your creation to our collection for display at Pride please contact us.

Examples and Inspirations 

The flower petals are cut from colourful fabrics, backed with iron on adhesive (bondweb) and then stitched on (this is called appliqué). Further embellishments have been added with embroidery.

The rainbow stripes have been painted on to white cotton using thinly diluted acrylic paint to “dye” the fabric. The star has been block printed in white. There is space below to add a caption with embroidery.

This was a piece of fabric from old pyjamas. It was stiffened a little by painting with thinly diluted PVA glue. The words have been added with embroidery.

This Welsh dragon on a pride flag was printed on iron on transfer paper that was then ironed on to a coloured fabric background.

Take a look at our gallery of pennants for further inspiration!

Download Our Guide With Free Templates

Tap the link below to download our guide to making pennants including printable templates. Or take a look above at our illustrated quick reference guide

Guide to Making Pennants

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