What We Do
Here is a brief summary of the main things that we do.

Meetings and Activities
We organise regular social Meetings online and in person. Occasionally we invite speakers to talk about topics of interest. You can find out more about our Meetings and Activities here.

Projects and Creativity
We also offer projects and other activities where you can learn something new and engage in physical, social and cultural activities that promote your health and wellbeing. You can read about our projects here or browse our galleries to look at past projects.

We send out a monthly newsletter by email and in between times keep our members and prospective members up to date about meetings and activities through our regular mailings. Subscribe to our mailing list.

Whatsapp Group
We host an informal chat on WhatsApp for members and prospective members to keep in touch between meetings. If you have a smartphone and would like to join the chat please message us on 07757 750255