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2018 – Wellbeing Project (Year 1)

We are delighted when the group was awarded Active Communities funding of just over twelve thousand pounds for a two year project to promote social cohesion and help us in our main objective of combatting isolation and loneliness.

The grant from the People’s Health Trust allowed us to run creative arts workshops and organise outings over a two year period.

Our first outing was to Trentham Gardens at the end of September 2017 – our second was the opening night of Treasure Island at the New Vic Theatre.

We documented many of our activities in photo galleries that you will find listed below.

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Creative ceramic workshops with Jo Ayres and Alice were a huge success. Feedback from participants was  universally positive…all participants rated the workshops as excellent, outstanding, brilliant, inspirational!

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Deborah Rogers of the Cultural Sisters ran our first workshop on Printmaking. This was a fabulous experience much enjoyed by all.

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