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2022 – 2023 Community Health Champions

The North Midlands LGBT Older Peoples Group is a partner of the Community Health Champions initiative co-ordinated by VAST.

The first grant we received in 2022 enabled us to purchase a portable display board and folding table to help with health promotion. This was part of the re-launch of our in-person meetings following the end of the Covid lockdowns.

In 2023 we received a more substantial grant enabling us to extend our monthly meetings at The Café in Fenton to include a free buffet lunch and a speaker on a health related topic.

We continue to promote health and wellbeing through our online and in person meetings. We also post health messages in our WhatsApp chat and include information in our newsletter and other electronic mailings.

Read the latest posts on our Community Health Champions page.

This is the draft design of our first display. The material is regularly updated to reflect current health issues and the themes of presentations at our in person meetings.

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