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New Era Domestic Abuse Victim Services

New Era aims to end relationship abuse across Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent by providing independent support for victims and perpetrators. Specialist support is available for LGBT+ people and others

Blue Jean

Blue Jean film poster

A film exploring the impact of Section 28. The year is 1988 and Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative government are about to pass a law stigmatising gays and lesbians, forcing Jean, a PE teacher, to live a double life.

Potboiler – Gay Stoke

In GAY STOKE local theatre group Potboiler is embarking on a journey with older LGBTQ+ people from Stoke-on-Trent to discover and re-tell local stories of gay life…

Beat the Cold

Beat The Cold logo. The symbols of two adults and two children with rays of warmth changing their colour from blue to orange.

Beat the Cold are a local charity, whose aim is to reduce fuel poverty, and cold related ill health in Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, and surrounding areas, They can help you access grants and support payments and give you helpful tips and advice.

Community Health Champions Report 2023

Diverse rainbow coloured figures with words Community Health Champions and Report 2023

Our Community Health Champions Report 2023 summarises members feedback and case studies for our highly successful involvement in the Community Health Champions initiative.

Deaf Awareness

Symbol of an ear containing a heart in rainbow colours

By learning basic signs, you can communicate with deaf people around you, such as deaf colleagues, family or friends.  If you’re interested in learning some basic British Sign Language (BSL) from home – here are some free resources!

Sleep Problems

Dark blue sky with cartoon eyes, clouds, clocks and mobile phone. Caption says some simple tips for improving your sleep.

A few sleepless nights are usually nothing to worry about, but it can become an issue if a lack of sleep starts to affect your daily life. Learn more about the signs of sleep deprivation and what you can do about it.

Free Sighted Guide Training

A sight impaired woman being led by another woman who is a sighted guide volunteer.

Sighted guide training teaches you how to guide a person with sight loss, with confidence, skill and empathy. This free one hour training session offered by the Guide Dogs charity will give you the basic skills you need.

Get Help With Digital Skills

A silver haired man using a smart mobile phone on a table with an older women assisting him to learn.

We work in partnership with The Beth Johnson Foundation to offer access to a “Tea and Tech Drop-in” where you can get support to learn basic digital skills including setting up or using your own devices. Find out more including dates of upcoming sessions…

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