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New Era Domestic Abuse Victim Services

At New Era we aim to end relationship abuse across Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent. We have a 24/7 phone line and live chat for victims, as well as a confidential helpline for perpetrators. We provide independent support for victims of domestic abuse – including young people affected by abuse, and a behaviour change service for people who may wish to address their abusive behaviour.

Specialist support is available for those who are: 60 and over; LGBT+; people with disabilities; Black, Asian and minority ethnic; and Males. As well as this, we offer a range of training for communities and professionals who wish to expand their knowledge around domestic abuse.

To get in touch please see our phone numbers and emails below:

Victim helpline: 0300 303 3778 or email [email protected]

Perpetrator help: 0300 373 5772 or email [email protected]

Training: [email protected]
Instagram: newerastaff

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