Project Galleries
Our projects offer programmes of activities that aim to improve mental health, promote wellbeing or offer opportunities to learn something new. Explore our galleries to find out more about past and present projects.
In 2023 we partnered with Beth Johnson Foundation to deliver a weekly “Tea and Tech” drop in to build on the legacy of last year’s Discover Digital project.
The North Midlands LGBT Older Peoples Group is a partner of the Community Health Champions initiative co-ordinated by VAST.
This project explored connections between creativity and mental health through the transformation of clay.
In 2022 we took part in a new local initiative called Discover Digital. This project aimed to boost “Digital Inclusion” in Stoke-on-Trent by helping people make the best use of the internet.
In 2021 we were delighted to be invited to contribute to the British Ceramics Biennial exhibition “Stoke Makes Plates”
Mind Matters was a six month programme of craft and performing arts activities in collaboration with B-Arts and local artists to help combat isolation and loneliness and improve mental health and wellbeing. We started the project in Autumn 2020 and finished in the early part of 2021.
The group was awarded Active Communities funding from the People’s Health Trust enabling us to run creative arts workshops and organise outings over a two year period. This project helped us with our core aims to promote social cohesion and combat isolation and loneliness.
In the second year of the project we repeated the popular ceramics and breadmaking workshops. We also ran an evaluation event where we created mandalas to represent what we had gained from the project.
Images from our glass making workshops in 2016 – funded through the Staffordshire Community Foundation
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