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Learn First Aid Free

There are some great resources to learn basic first aid skills for free online. 

Look After Your Mental Health

Mental health problems can affect anyone, but they’re more common among people who are LGBT+ Here are some ways to get help.

Get Some Fresh Air and Exercise

Stoke-on-Trent has amazing green spaces all around the city, and getting out and about in the fresh air is a great way to boost your physical and mental health.

Rainbow Call Companions

Rainbow call companions offer free telephone befriending specifically for older LGBT+ people. Rainbow call companion volunteers are LGBT+ and love a good chat.

Support During the Energy Crisis

The Met Office has a useful page of information about how to keep your home warm this winter with links to other useful websites.

Coping With Loneliness

Campaign to end loneliness logo

If you feel lonely some or all of the time, our meetings and activities can help you make new connections. This page of information and tips from the campaign to end loneliness may also help.

UK Monkeypox

Contact a sexual health clinic if you develop a rash with blisters and you’ve been in close contact with someone who has or might have monkeypox.

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